Operational event without the safety significance at NPP V-2 Bohunice

In the nuclear facility V-2 Jaslovské Bohunice on March 17, 2022, during a walk inspection, it was found that the insulation of the upper part of the sodium hydroxide storage tank in the chemical water treatment area was damaged. Due to the damage to the tank insulation, an insignificant leakage of sodium hydroxide into the […]

ENSREG: Statement on the safety of nuclear installations in Ukraine following the military agression by Russia

On 27 February 2022, ENSREG held an extraordinary meeting via videoconference with the participation of the IAEA, WENRA and SNRIU to discuss the nuclear safety of the Ukrainian nuclear installations in view of the Russian Federation’s military aggression against Ukraine. ENSREG recalls that “the European Council condemns in the strongest possible terms the Russian Federation’s […]

Publication of the basis for the second instance decision on Mochovce Unit 3

ÚJD SR informs the interested public that on January 24, 2022 it published a call for comments on the basis for the draft decision of the second-instance body and on the received appeals for the commissioning of the Mochovce Unit 3 nuclear facility and related proceedings. The call is being delivered by a public decree […]

6th European Nuclear Safety Conference – save the date

The sixth European Nuclear Safety Conference should have taken place last year, but it has been postponed for one year due to the pandemic restrictions. It is now scheduled to take place from 20 June to 21 June 2022 in Brussels under the auspices of the European Nuclear Safety Regulators Group (ENSREG) and in cooperation […]

New Website Launched for UJD SR

On September 28, 2021, the Nuclear Regulatory Authority of the Slovak Republic (UJD SR) launched a new website, which in terms of content and form meets the latest requirements and standards for information systems of the state administration. The new website provides information to the general public through an intuitive graphic design in a user-friendly […]

Final results of quality inspections of the pipeline components

In its statement of 4th May 2020, Nuclear Regulatory Authority of the Slovak Republic (UJD SR) informed the public about the ongoing inspection of pipeline components at Unit 3 of Mochovce NPP. In abovementioned statement UJD SR informed the public about the following facts: the reason which led to the need to performed inspections of […]

NEA Survey on Public Trust in Nuclear Regulators

The NEA’s Working Group on Public Communication of Nuclear Regulatory Organisations (WGPC) prepared the survey with the purpose to gather views and feedback about how to build and maintain trust between nuclear safety regulators and the stakeholders with whom they engage. The work of the NEA, including its stakeholder involvement workshops, has highlighted trust as […]

Preliminary results of quality inspections of pipeline components at Unit 3 of Mochovce NPP

In its press release of 4 May 2020, Nuclear Regulatory Authority of the SR (ÚJD SR) informed the public about the ongoing inspection of pipeline components at Unit 3 of Mochovce NPP. This statement is available to the public on the ÚJD SR website. In this press release, ÚJD SR has informed the public about […]

Publication of the basis for the decision – Unit 3 Mochovce 3,4 NPP

The Nuclear Regulatory Authority of the Slovak Republic (ÚJD SR) informs participants of the administrative proceedings the interested public that the updated documents – basis for the decision and the draft decision in the matter of administrative proceedings for Unit 3 Mochovce 3, 4 NPP were published on its website. By publishing the basis for […]

Basis for the decision for Unit 3 – Publication 2

Unofficial work translation into English language of the Notification on publication of basis for the decision (2nd stage) Additional basis for the decision: Unofficial work translation into English Language of the amended/new draft of the decision