Director General R. M. Grossi officially visited Slovakia for the first time
Today, on 6 November, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Director General R. M. Grossi officially visited Slovakia for the first time since he took office. In the morning, DG Grossi visited the Mochovce Nuclear Power Plant (NPP), where he met with the Director General of Slovenské elektrárne B. Strýček, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economy of the Slovak Republic D. Saková, and the Chairperson of the Nuclear Regulatory Authority of the Slovak Republic M. Žiaková.

Following the site tour of the newly commissioned Mochovce Unit 3, DG Grossi highlighted the high level of nuclear safety in Slovakia and the maturity of the Slovak nuclear power programme setting a good example of the use of nuclear in meeting the global climate plans and Slovakia´s decarbonisation goals. In the afternoon, DG Grossi met with the President as well as with the Prime Minister of the Slovak Republic in Bratislava. The key topics of today’s discussions were mainly related to the portfolio of peaceful uses of nuclear energy, the IAEA´s nuclear safety and security assistance role in Ukraine and the nuclear´s contribution to the fight against climate change, as well as further use of the IAEA´s expertise within the realm of Slovakia´s possibilities. Slovakia conveyed its strong support for the IAEA´s mandate, its key activities and flagship initiatives, with emphasis on the nuclear safety situation in Ukraine and the current nuclear security and safeguards regime.

Updated: 08.11.2023