- Regulatory Decision Making
- Nuclear Safety Assessment
- Inspection Activities
- Regulatory Activities over RAW and NM
- Emergency Preparedness
- Qualification and Training
- Building Authority for Nuclear Installations
- International Cooperation
Pursuant to the Atomic Act and the UJD SR Decree No. 52/2006 on professional competence, as amended by Decree No. 34/2012 and Decree No. 410/2019 (hereinafter referred to as “the Decree”), the Nuclear Regulatory Authority of the Slovak Republic performs the following activities in the field of assessment, evaluation, review and control of the professional training of the licence holders´ staff:
- the exercise of state supervision in the field of training of employees of holders of authorisation under Section 5 of the Atomic Act in specialised facilities
- issuing an authorisation for the training of employees of a holder of an authorisation pursuant to Section 5(3)(b) to (g) of the Atomic Act
- control of the fulfilment of the obligations of authorisation holders under the Atomic Act and the Decree
- approval of the system of training of employees of authorisation holders pursuant to Article 2(2)(a)(4) and Article 24 of the Atomic Act and Article 3 of the Decree
- approval of the training programme for selected personnel pursuant to Article 2(2)(a)(5) and Article 24 of the Atomic Act and Article 4 of the Decree
- verification of the specific competence of employees of licence holders pursuant to Section 2(2)(d)(1) and Section 24 of the Atomic Energy Act and Sections 6 and 7 of the Decree
- the issue, withdrawal or revocation of certificates of special competence pursuant to Section 2(2)(d)(1) and Sections 24 and 31 of the Atomic Act and Section 8 of the Decree
- the verification of the competence of employees of authorisation holders to train employees of authorisation holders who carry out theoretical training and training on a representative full-scale simulator for selected employees pursuant to Article 2(2)(d)(2) and Article 24 of the Atomic Act and Articles 12 and 13 of the Decree
- the issue, withdrawal or revocation of lecturers’ certificates of competence pursuant to Section 2(2)(d)(2) and Sections 24 and 31 of the Atomic Act and Section 14 of the Decree
- consideration of the documentation listed in the Annex to the Atomic Act which is required for each type of authorisation and which is not approved by the UJD SR pursuant to Section 2(2)(e)(3) of the Atomic Act
- assessment of the training programme for competent personnel pursuant to Article 2(2)(e)(4) and Article 24 of the Atomic Act and Article 5 of the Decree
- assessment of the technical equipment of the specialised installation according to § 2(2)(e)(5) and § 24 of the Atomic Act and § 11 of the Decree
- approval of the implementation of a change in the documentation approved by the UJD SR in this area pursuant to Section 2(2)(a)(13) and Section 24 of the Atomic Act
- approval of the implementation of a change in the documentation assessed by the UJD SR in this area pursuant to Article 2(2)(f)(2) and Article 24 of the Atomic Act
Training of Nuclear Safety Inspectors
The objective of nuclear safety inspector training is the continuous maintenance, improvement and completion of the required knowledge, abilities, skills and attitudes necessary for the performance of civil service in the special branch of civil service 2.05 Nuclear supervision.
The focus of nuclear safety inspector training at the level of the Service Office is consistent with the mission, vision, main tasks and objectives of the Authority.
The training shall be based on the professional competence requirements of the civil servant resulting from the job description of the civil servant.
The Office promotes the principle of professionalism as defined in Act No 55/2017 Coll. on the Civil Service, as amended, by providing and ensuring appropriate training to achieve a level of professional competence that will enable the civil servant to perform the civil service of a high quality.
The training of nuclear safety inspectors shall be carried out in particular:
- basic theoretical training in the range of 200 – 900 teaching hours;
- periodic training of inspectors;
- participation in training activities organised by external training institutions;
- participation in international workshops, trainings, internships, etc;
- participation in postgraduate studies;
- training and special training on a representative full-scale simulator, etc.
Updated: 02.09.2022