Reporting of Anti-social Activities

The conditions for providing protection to persons in an employment relationship in connection with reporting crime or other anti-social activity (hereinafter referred to as “anti-social activity”), the rights and obligations of persons when reporting anti-social activity are regulated by Act No. 54/2019 Coll. on the protection of whistleblowers (hereinafter referred to as “Act No. 54/2019 Coll. on the protection of whistleblowers (hereinafter referred to as “Act“). Any details pursuant to Section 10 par. 8 of the Act, for the Nuclear Regulatory Authority of SR (hereinafter only as the “Authority“) concerning:

a) filing notification,
b) verification of notification and the powers of the person responsible for examining notification,
c) the confidentiality on the identity of the whistleblower,
d) the registration of notifications pursuant to Section 11 par. 1 of Act,
e) informing the whistleblower of the result of verification of his/her notification,
f) processing personal data contained in the notification,

are specified by the  Directive regulating the details concerning the fulfilment of the employer’s obligations under Act No. 54/2019 Coll. on the Protection of Whistleblowers of Antisocial Activity, as amended.

The person responsible for fulfilling the employer’s role under the internal notification screening system shall be the Director of the Personnel Office.

The notification may be made in writing or electronically.

The notification can be submitted electronically to the following e-mail address: (the abovementioned method of notification shall be accessible 24 hours a day).

The notification in writing may be delivered by the notifier:

  • to the mailroom of the Authority by post to the following address: Úrad jadrového dozoru Slovenskej republiky, Bajkalská 27, P. O. BOX 24, 820 07 Bratislava
  • to the mailroom of the Authority in person
  • by depositing it in the box intended for the submission of written notifications (the boxes are located at the workplace in Bratislava (2nd floor) and in Trnava (7th floor)

If the notifier makes the notification in writing by delivery by a postal service, or by delivery to the office in person – the notifier shall place the notification in an envelope marked “Notification – Do not open!“.

The responsible person shall forward to the competent authority complaints covered by the notification obligation under a special regulation.


Updated: 12.08.2022