Nuclear Regulatory Authority of the Slovak Republic (UJD SR)
Bajkalska 1467/27
820 07 Bratislava – city district Ruzinov
Slovak Republic
Office in Bratislava
Bajkalska 27
P.O.Box 24
820 07 Bratislava 27
Slovak Republic
Tel: +421 2 5822 1111
Fax: +421 2 5822 1166
Office in Trnava
Okruzna 5
918 64 Trnava
Slovak Republic
Tel: +421 3 3599 1201
Fax: +421 3 3599 1190
Contacts on UJD SR representatives
E-mail Chairperson: predseda@ujd.gov.sk
E-mail Vice-Chairperson: podpredseda@ujd.gov.sk
E-mail Head of Civil Service Office: generalnytajomnik@ujd.gov.sk
Contact for media
UJD SR Chancellery
Tel: +421 2/ 58 221 138
E-mail: info@ujd.gov.sk
Contacts on UJD SR departments
Office hours of the UJD SR: From Monday till Friday 9:00 am – 2:00 pm
Registry: podatelna@ujd.gov.sk
E-communication: with eID via slovensko.sk
Informations, questions, suggestions etc., send to: info@ujd.gov.sk
Billing informations
Business ID (IČO): 3084 4185
Tax ID (DIČ): 2020 8692 24
IBAN: SK98 8180 0000 0070 0006 1905
Updated: 04.06.2024