Freedom of Information Requests

Freedom of Information Request

Pursuant to Act No. 211/2000 Coll. on Free Access to Information and on amendments and supplements to certain acts (Freedom of Information Act) as amended, request for information is possible to submit in writing, by phone, fax, email or in person during workdays from 9:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m.

Freedom of information requests are processed in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act and in accordance with the Procedure of The Nuclear Regulatory Authority of the Slovak Republic (ÚJD SR) on Free Access to Information.

Úrad jadrového dozoru Slovenskej republiky
Bajkalská 27
P. O. BOX 24
820 07 Bratislava 27
tel.: 02/58 221 152, 138
fax: 02/58 221 166

The Deadlines for Processing of Application

The deadlines for processing of application in compliance with Freedom of Information Act, are as follows:

Competent authority is obliged to process the request for information without an undue delay; no later than 8 working days after the day of submitting the application, or from the day of removing deficiencies of the application. Alternatively, within 15 working days, if information is to be provided to a blind person in an accessible form according to § 16 par. 2 letter a), unless this Act provides otherwise.

Competent authority is entitled, upon serious circumstances, extend this period at maximum of 8 working days and 15 working days, if it provides the information to a blind person in an accessible form according to § 16 par. 2 letter a). Serious circumstances are as follows:

  • a) searching and gathering the required information located in a different place from the registered office of competent authority responsible for processing the request,
  • b) searching and gathering a large amount of single or different information required to be made available upon one request,
  • c) provable technical problems associated with searching and making information available, which can be assumed to be eliminated within the extended period.

The competent authority shall notify the applicant about the extension of the deadline without an undue delay; before the expiry of the deadline at the latest . The notification shall state the reasons which led to the extension of the deadline.

Cost Payment Method

The payment method of costs for making information available pursuant to § 3 of the Decree of the Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic No. 481/2000 Coll. on the Details of the Payment of Costs for Making Information Available: by postal order, non-cash bank transfer or in cash at the cash desk.

Upon § 20 of the Freedom of Information Act, ÚJD SR, as a competent authority, keeps records of applications appropriately to provide the data necessary to control the process of applications, and also data about the most frequently requested information.

Tariff (in Slovak Language only)

Updated: 07.12.2022