- Regulatory Decision Making
- Nuclear Safety Assessment
- Inspection Activities
- Regulatory Activities over RAW and NM
- Emergency Preparedness
- Qualification and Training
- Building Authority for Nuclear Installations
- International Cooperation
Point of Contact
Slovak legislation and international conventions require the Slovak Republic to have a point of contact established to ensure the continuous receipt of reports on nuclear and radiological incidents abroad and to communicate them to the relevant state administration authorities, as well as a place to inform foreign countries about nuclear and radiological incidents in the Slovak Republic. Within the Slovak Republic, this competence is exercised by the Nuclear Regulatory Authority of the Slovak Republic and the Central Monitoring and Control Centre of the Crisis Management Section of the Ministry of the Interior of the SR. The point of contact at the Nuclear Regulatory Authority of the Slovak Republic ensures the receipt and transmission of notifications, communications and other information in the event of a nuclear accident or radiological hazard (such as an incident or accident at a nuclear facility, transport of radioactive substances, seizures of radioactive materials, loss, discovery or theft of sources of ionizing radiation, in the event of radiological terrorist attacks in the Slovak Republic or similar incidents abroad).
The cooperating authorities: the Public Health Authority of the SR, the Ministry of Transport and Construction of the SR, the Ministry of the Interior of the SR, the Ministry of Finance of the SR represented by the Financial Administration of the SR, the Ministry of the Environment of the SR, the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the SR, the Ministry of Defence of the SR, the Ministry of Health of the SR and the Slovak Information Service have issued the “Joint Guideline for the Operation of the Point of Contact”.
This guideline specifies the basic duties, scope and competences of the state administration bodies concerned, the necessary scope of measures to ensure the operation of the point of contact within the meaning of the Atomic Act and the way of organising the information flow for the needs of the point of contact.
The guideline regulates:
- the procedure for informing cooperating authorities in the event of the occurrence or detection of an incident associated with sources of ionising radiation,
- the obligation to inform the public and the international community of significant events involving the use of sources of ionising radiation,
- criteria for informing the point of contact.
Updated: 23.07.2024