Integral Radioactive Waste Storage Facility (IS RAO)
IS RAO located in the Jaslovské Bohunice locality is another of the completed BIDSF projects implemented as part of the decommissioning process of the NPP V1. IS RAO was put into operation in December 2017 by Decision No. 423/2017 of the Authority and is operated by JAVYS, a. s. The IS RAO nuclear installation is designed for storing radwaste from the decommissioning of NPP V1 and NPP A1 in the Jaslovské Bohunice site:
- Solid or solidified radwaste before further treatment in JAVYS facilities
- Conditioned radwaste by various technologies into a solidified (solid) form, originating from the decommissioning of NPP V1 and NPP A1 at the site until they can be transferred to the place of permanent disposal
- Solid radwaste for the period during which the activity falls below the limit level and is subsequently released into the environment
In December 2020, Decision No. 330/2020 authorised a change in the use of the building from the originally approved activity inventory of 8.41×1014 Bq to the design inventory of 1×1018 Bq.
Updated: 05.09.2022