OSART Mission in Jaslovské Bohunice
The International Atomic Energy Agency’s (IAEA) Operational Safety Review Team is being hosted in November 2023 in Slovakia at the request of Slovenské elektrárne, a.s. (SE) at the V2 Jaslovské Bohunice NPP to assess a plant’s safety performance. The mission opened with an entrance meeting on 7 November 2023 attended by the mission team composed of senior level international experts in the said field and the representatives of the IAEA, SE as well as the Nuclear Regulatory Authority of the Slovak Republic (ÚJD SR).
OSART mission is the most frequently-invited IAEA peer review service functioning since 1983. The present OSART mission at the V2 Jaslovské Bohunice NPP is the 12th of its kind hosted by Slovakia. The ÚJD’s Director General of the Department of Safety Evaluation and Inspection Activities Juraj Homola during his opening remarks at the Entrance meeting underlined the importance and the contribution of the OSART mission in assessing NPP’s operational safety and exchanging experience and good practices, essential for the licensee in adopting measures to further increase nuclear safety at the plant.
The aim of the OSART missions is to provide an independent expert assessment of the status of NPP operational safety. Throughout the mission, the team of international experts from the reviewed areas conducts in-depth reviews of operational safety performance at the NPP, including organization and management, personnel training, operation, maintenance, radiation protection or emergency preparedness. The mission assesses the current status of the plant against the IAEA safety standards. A final report is produced at the end of the mission with the formulation of findings through recommendations and suggestions for improvement.
Updated: 21.11.2023