On-site visit of Austrian experts to Unit 3 Mochovce NPP
On-site visit of Austrian experts to Unit 3 Mochovce NPP in the framework of the bilateral agreement on issues of common interest in the field of nuclear safety and radiation protection, Bratislava/Mochovce 31 March 2022
Continuing in the transparent and open process of communication with the representatives of the Austrian government on the issues of common interest in the field of nuclear safety, especially the issues connected with the construction of Units 3&4 of Mochovce NPP, the Nuclear Regulatory Authority of the Slovak Republic (ÚJD SR) has provided the detailed responses to the questions of Austrian experts regarding the specific issues of the completion of Unit 3 of Mochovce NPP.
The most recent request was related to the corrosion identified in the reactor pit. Comprehensive written information has been given with the technical explanation on how had it happened and what measures had been taken to remove the corrosion. Moreover, the Austrian side expressed further interest in a site visit at Unit 3 Mochovce NPP in order to get acquainted with the processes applied in praxis as well as to see what is the actual status.
Following the request of Austrian side, the expert visit was scheduled for 31 March 2022. To begin with, the representatives of the company Slovenské elektrárne (SE) presented detailed information on the whole event and follow up actions. During the discussion in Energoland, the Information Centre of SE, and during the site visit, several additional questions were raised by the Austrian side. The questions were answered in a comprehensive manner by the SE and by ÚJD SR.
The meeting was conducted in an open and transparent manner. Comprehensive in-depth information related to the selected issues of corrosion in the reactor pit was provided by the Slovak side. Written questions of the Austrian side were answered and additional questions were discussed and clarified during the site visit by the Slovak side. The Austrian experts highly valued the opportunity to visit Unit 3 of the Mochovce NPP and to see in real terms the actual status of the plant. Experts of both sides recognized the importance of cooperation in the field of nuclear safety and radiation protection. The Austrian side reemphasized the interest in getting updated information on the progress of the Mochovce unit 3 commissioning. The Slovak side expressed readiness to provide updated information on the process continuously as well as summary information during the regular bilateral meetings.
Updated: 04.04.2022