Quadrilateral Meeting of Nuclear Regulatory Authorities hosted in Slovakia
The regular annual quadrilateral meeting of Nuclear Regulatory Authorities of Slovakia, Czech Republic, Hungary and Slovenia tool place from 14 -15 June in Oponice, Slovakia. Following the rotation principle, the meeting was hosted by the Slovak side upon the invitation of UJD SR.
During the 2-day meeting partners have discussed and exchanged views on the current topics of mutual interest in the field of nuclear and radiation safety, regulatory activities as well as in other matters within their competence. UJD SR Chair, M. Žiaková has also provided information on the ongoing process of commissioning of unit 3 of the Mochovce NPP. Partners have further reflected on the common existing and future challenges, in particular those related to the long-term operation, fuel diversification, knolwdge management and licensing of new innovative nuclear technologies such as SMRs. The meeting has also touched upon the INSC and ENSREG-related assistance and activities aimed to further strengthen global nuclear safety.
Upon the invitation of the quadrilateral members, the meeting has also been attended by the Finnish regulatory authority – STUK. The countries have further decided to extend the membership to Finland to become a permanent member.
Updated: 19.07.2023