Postponement of the deadline for submission of comments on the comments for the decision

Based on the request of one of the participants in the administrative proceeding Nuclear Regulatory Authority of the Slovak Republic postpones the deadline for submitting comments on the documentation for the decision on fresh fuel node of MO 3 & 4. The original deadline for submitting written comments was 27 August 2018 and the Authority […]

Removal of the application deficiencies

With issuing of the decision No. 334/2018 Nuclear Regulatory Authority of the Slovak Republic has temporary suspended the administrative proceeding for issuing the authorization for commisioning of MO 3 & 4 and other relevant authorizations and it has also set the condition of continuation in the proceeding – removal of identified deficiencies in the documentation. […]

Rules for Consulting

To facilitate familiarization with the documentation in the currently ongoing administrative proceedings concerning the application of SE, a. s., to license commissioning of the nuclear installation of NPP Mochovce Units 3 & 4, and related authorizations, the Nuclear Regulatory Authority of SR has set up a separate workplace at the site of Nuclear Power Plants […]

Notice of Documentation Disclosure in Administrative Proceedings NPP Mochovce 3 & 4

To enable the public to become familiar with the documentation in the currently ongoing administrative proceeding concerning the application of SE, a. s., for license for commissioning of a nuclear installation of Mochovce Units 3 & 4 and related authorizations, the Nuclear Regulatory Authority of SR established an independent workplace at site of the nuclear […]

Change of the deadline for issuing Decision – Extension of the period

Proceeding No.: 3720-2016 In the current administrative procedure of the Authority regarding the application by SE, a. s., to issue authorization for commissioning of the nuclear installation Mochovce Units 3 & 4, to issue permit for early use of the project, to issue authorization for management of radioactive waste and spent nuclear fuel, and to […]

The Initiation of Administrative Proceedings

On 12 December 2016 the representatives SE, a. s., delivered to the Nuclear Regulatory Authority of SR application to license commissioning of nuclear installation of Mochovce Units 3 & 4. SE, a. s. at the same time applied for authorization for early use of the building, for permit for the management of radioactive waste and […]