Appeal proceeding (FFN)
One of the participants of the administrative proceeding (the organization Global 2000 – Friends of the Earth, Neustiftgasse 36, A-1070 Wien, hereinafter Global 2000) has pursuant to Section 53 of the Administrative Code filed an appeal against the decisions of Nuclear Regulatory Authority of the Slovak Republic (ÚJD SR):
- No. 277/2018 from 29 October 2018, by which ÚJD SR has issued for Slovenské elektrárne, a. s., Mochovce Unit 3 and 4 (MO34) the first-level authorization for management of nuclear materials in nuclear facility, pursuant to Section 5 (3) (g) of the Act No. 541/2004 Coll. on peaceful use of nuclear energy (Atomic Act) as amended in the scope of handling and storage of fresh nuclear fuel in MO34 fresh fuel node
- and the decision No. 298/2018 from 29 October 2018 by which ÚJD SR has issued the first-level authorization for comissioning of nuclear facility pursuant to Section 5 (3) (b) of the Atomic Act in the scope of handling and storage of fresh nuclear fuel in fresh fuel node and the authorization for early use of building pursuant to Section 83 of the Building Act and pursuant to Section 5 (3) (b) and Section 19 (3) of the Atomic Act for fresh nuclear fuel node in the extend of storage and handling of fresh nuclear fuel in fresh fuel node.
The first level administrative authority has not come to the conclusion that the appeal of Global 2000 presents reasons to settle the appeal on its own pursuant to Section 57 (1) of the Administrative Code and due to this reason it has pursuant to Section 57 (2) of the Administrative Code submitted the file to the second-level administrative authority on 17 December 2018. The second-level administrative authority is the chairperson of the ÚJD SR which as the head of central administrative authority is pursuant to Section 58 (1) and in connection to Section 61 (2) of the Administrative Code the competent authority to decide upon the appeal.
The first level administrative authority considers the basis for the decision identical to the one that is publically available on the authority website. Documents will be added continually till 31 January 2019 and it is possible to comment on them in writing, which shall be delivered to ÚJD SR not later than on 28 February 2019.
Updated: 26.10.2021