Preliminary results of quality inspections of pipeline components at Unit 3 of Mochovce NPP

In its press release of 4 May 2020, Nuclear Regulatory Authority of the SR (ÚJD SR) informed the public about the ongoing inspection of pipeline components at Unit 3 of Mochovce NPP. This statement is available to the public on the ÚJD SR website. In this press release, ÚJD SR has informed the public about […]

Publication of the basis for the decision – Unit 3 Mochovce 3,4 NPP

The Nuclear Regulatory Authority of the Slovak Republic (ÚJD SR) informs participants of the administrative proceedings the interested public that the updated documents – basis for the decision and the draft decision in the matter of administrative proceedings for Unit 3 Mochovce 3, 4 NPP were published on its website. By publishing the basis for […]

Basis for the decision for Unit 3 – Publication 2

Unofficial work translation into English language of the Notification on publication of basis for the decision (2nd stage) Additional basis for the decision: Unofficial work translation into English Language of the amended/new draft of the decision

Reakcia úradu na anonymný podnet k nedostatkom v technologickom postupe

Úradu jadrového dozoru Slovenskej republiky (ÚJD SR, úrad) bol doručený anonymný podnet, upozorňujúci na údajné nedostatky v technologickom postupe realizácie havarijného chladiaceho systému pri výstavbe 3. a 4. bloku jadrovej elektrárne Mochovce (MO34) so žiadosťou, okrem iného, o zodpovedný prístup k prípadu. ÚJD SR už viackrát deklaroval, že (nielen) k povoľovaniu uvádzania MO34 do prevádzky […]

Basis for the decision for Unit 3

Basis for the decision for Unit 3 (unofficial working translation into English language): Draft of the decision for Unit 3 Chapter 13 of the Preoperational Safety Analysis Report (NPP MO34 environmental impact evaluation) Evaluation of the Method of Fulfillment of Conditions Recommended by MZP SR Stated the Final Opinion No. 395/2010-3.4/hp

Preliminary Assessment of the Implementation of the Reheating Program of Unit 3 of NPP Mochovce

ÚJD SR, in its report dated 3 September 2019 (Final evaluation of hot hydrotest of Unit 3 of NPP EMO3&4) provided a detailed opinion on the reasons for requesting reheating of Unit 3 on its website. In the preparatory phase before reheating, ÚJD SR inspectors carried out inspections of the preparedness of Unit 3 of […]

Decisions for fresh fuel node

Nuclear Regulatory Authority of the SR has on the 29 October 2018 isued the decision No. 277/2018 (Authorization for handling of fresh nuclear fuel in fresh fuel node) and decision No. 298/2018 (Authorization for commisioning of nuclear facility in the scope of fresh fuel node and early use of fresh fuel node according to Building […]

Basis for the decision in administrative proceedings for Unit 3 and Unit 4

The following annexes are available in Slovak language only due to the fact that documentation of the administrative proceedings for commissioning of Mochovce Unit 3 and Unit 4 is only available in Slovak language. Basis for the decision for Unit 3 and Unit 4 Removal of deficiencies in administrative proceedings identified by ÚJD SR – […]

Basis for the decision for fresh fuel node

Basis for the decision The following annexes are available only in Slovak language due to the fact that documentation of the administrative proceeding for commissioning of MO 3 & 4 is only available in Slovak language. Deficiencies – annex No. 1 – removal Deficiencies – annex No. 2 – removal Deficiencies – annex No. 3 […]

Deficiencies identified in the application

The list of identified deficiencies relevant to the temporary suspension of administrative proceedings in the matter of MO 3 & 4 commissioning and relevant proceedings (documentation is only available in Slovak language due to the fact that all documentation of the application is in Slovak language): Deficiencies identified in the application by ÚJD SR – […]