NEA Survey on Public Trust in Nuclear Regulators
The NEA’s Working Group on Public Communication of Nuclear Regulatory Organisations (WGPC) prepared the survey with the purpose to gather views and feedback about how to build and maintain trust between nuclear safety regulators and the stakeholders with whom they engage.
The work of the NEA, including its stakeholder involvement workshops, has highlighted trust as essential for an effective dialogue between regulators and civil society. The WGPC is currently developing a Green Booklet on “The Characteristics of a Trusted Regulator”, which will identify which attributes and practical actions can help to build trust. The views of the public and stakeholders, through this survey, will help us better understand the characteristics that a trusted nuclear safety regulator should demonstrate, enabling the NEA work to give practical advice and guidance to regulators, and share good practices.
Your feedback is welcomed before 15 March 2021 via:
NEA Survey on Public Trust in Nuclear Regulators
Updated: 25.10.2021