The Initiation of Administrative Proceedings
On 12 December 2016 the representatives SE, a. s., delivered to the Nuclear Regulatory Authority of SR application to license commissioning of nuclear installation of Mochovce Units 3 & 4. SE, a. s. at the same time applied for authorization for early use of the building, for permit for the management of radioactive waste and spent nuclear fuel and for permit for the management of nuclear materials at nuclear facilities.
The application was supported by the relevant documentation containing 377 schedules.
Nuclear Regulatory Authority of SR opened an administrative procedure in the matter of issuing the relevant authorizations and informed the public authorities concerned. The Authority also informed all potential parties about this fact (the public wishing to engage in the procedure) through a public notice.
Nuclear Regulatory Authority of SR shall verify the completeness of the documentation in line with the legislative requirements and then opens the process of its review.
In order to provide for the possibility to consult the file, the documentation will be available for the other parties in time span of about 2 months, and in accordance with the Atomic Act it is necessary to remove sensitive information from the documentation.
The period for issuing the Decision of the Nuclear Regulatory Authority of SR in the given case, according to the Atomic Act is 6 months after receipt of the complete documentation to the application.
Documents confirming the readiness of the facility to commissioning will be delivered to the Authority gradually, as the equipment tests are completed. The date of issuing the decision, by which the Authority will permit fuel loading into the reactor, thus depends on the time sequence and success of the commissioning tests.
Updated: 26.10.2021